Practical Medicine – Gynecology and Obstetrics
Nov. 22-23 th 2019, Cracow
Hexanova participated in the 16th national conference on Practical Medicine – Gynecology and Obstetrics, which took place on 22nd-23rd of Nov. 2019 at the ICE Congress Center in Cracow. The conference gathered almost 1,500 participant in the field of gynecology and obstetrics. During the session issues related to orthopedics, oncological gynecology, psychiatry and sexology were raised. Lecture topics included, among others: non-obstetric indications for cesarean section, topics related to breast cancer or endometriosis (guest lecture by Prof. Lil Valentin from Sweden).
An interesting lecture by Prof. Magdalena Strus from the Jagiellonian University Collegium Medicum on the subject:
- Is there aerobic vaginosis? Current state of knowledge about vaginal microbiota
Be a Mother!
LACTINOVA® mama in pregnancy
Nov. 22-23 th 2019, Cracow